Git patch flow

Git is a very flexible distributed source control system, so flexible in fact, that can be used in a variety of ways or flows. In this post, I describe a flow that I’ve been doing while working remotely and not having access to the central code repository.

Getting the repo

As said, while not having [network] access to the repo implies getting it through other means, such as sneakernet, in my case, a shared flash drive. The files in the flash drive are in a bare repo format, without a working copy. I copy the entire repo to a special folder on my system called ‘Upstream’, where I keep all the bare repos’ copies. I use rsync to copy the folders from the flash drive to my hard drive copying only the deltas:

$ rsync -avz /path/to/flash_drive/WorkFiles ~/Work/Upstream


Once the bare repo is on my system, cloning it is trivial:

$ cd ~/Work/
$ git clone ~/Work/Upstream/repo.git
Cloning into 'repo'...


Before I start making any changes, I create a new branch and name it according to the feature being worked on. This will prove useful later on.

$ git branch new-feature

Now this is where all the changes are done to the files and committed, in one or more commits. The local repo gets all the commits; the Upstream repo is not touched. For the purposes of this example, let’s say there’s 3 new commits done that we will need to send back to our remote repo.

$ git log --oneline
b67943b (HEAD -> new-feature) Add Fedora 28 tweaks post
b275b34 Set tags to be listed horizontally in index.html
13fc44d Fix open tag error in footer.html
1689d56 (origin/master, origin/HEAD) Fix a few CSS validation errors

Making a patch set

Now our feature is ready to be sent to the central repo, in the form of a patch set. We’ll create these patches using the following command and using the last commit that came with the repo, ie. usually the ‘master’ branch.

$ git format-patch 1689d56

Note the patches are made in the opposite order as listed by git-log: they are in chronological order, from older to newer. This is the order in which they will be applied.

Sending the patch set

At this point we just need to send the patches in whichever way we can, sneakernet, email, etc. I normally use email, with the caveat that sometimes email servers change the file format of the patches, changing their line ending from Unix to DOS. To avoid this, I simply zip the patches into one container zipfile.

$ zip *.patch
adding: 0001-Fix-open-tag-error-in-footer.html.patch (deflated 40%)
adding: 0002-Set-tags-to-be-listed-horizontally-in-index.html.patch (deflated 19%)
adding: 0003-Add-Fedora-28-tweaks-post.patch (deflated 32%)

Once the zipped file is ready, it’s simply sent over email to the repo maintainer.

Applying the changes

Well, this isn’t part of my flow because applying the patches is not under my control: the Git repo maintainer receives my patches, reviews them and applies them if all works out. If something needs to be changed, it’s sent back for more modifications, usually requiring an amended set of patches. After unziping the patches, the maintainer applies them:

$ git apply *.patch

Getting a new update

Now all the changes are in the repo, including other changes done by the remote party. An update brings those updates (ie. commits) plus my commits as applied by the maintainer. This requires updating my local bare repos as usually done and shown above using rsync. After the update, there is new commits in my Upstream repo that are not in my local repo. We need to synchronize them, and for that we use the git-fetch command. Git fetch updates the remote branches (ie. origin/master) but doesn’t merge them. This is when having a branch before starting a change comes in handy. Now we switch or checkout branch so we incorporate the changes from Upstream into our local repo’s master branch.

$ git branch -a
* new-feature
$ git checkout master

And we merge the changes from the Upstream branch, but doing a fast-forward merge:

$ git pull --ff-only origin master

This updated master branch is the remote repo including the patches sent previously and applied by the maintainer. The old new-feature branch is now stale and eventually Git will garbage-collect it, or we can delete it manually with:

$ git branch -d new-feature


The Git patch flow works when network access to the remote repo is not available. It’s pretty simple to work with and requires minimal changes to a regular flow.

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